Rehearsal Photography : Mighty Atoms - Hull Truck Theatre

With Hull being the 2017 City of Culture there is a lot of attention being directed o the North East of England. I was lucky enough to go along to Hull Truck to photograph rehearsals for the third part of the Hull Trilogy - Might Atoms by Amanda Whittington.

I've photographed the preceding two parts of the Trilogy - Dancing Through The Shadows & The Gaul - and it's great to complete the cycle.

From the theatre website:

"In a struggling pub on one of Hull’s toughest streets, ex-pro boxer Taylor Flint runs a women’s boxercise class. For Lauren, Jazz, Aneta and Grace the class is much more than a way to lose weight and have a laugh – they’re fighting the grinding challenges of everyday life.

When the pub is threatened with closure, the women agree to be part of an unlicensed fight night to raise money and rally the community. They’re ready to prove themselves in a world that shows them little respect, but Taylor knows that once the gloves are on, the real test will be going toe to toe with friends and neighbours.

Inspired by Hull’s original Mighty Atom, Barbara Buttrick, this new play by award-winning writer Amanda Whittington (Ladies Day, Be My Baby, Amateur Girl) pulls no punches."


Here's a quick peek at rehearsals in progress - I'm looking forward to popping back in a couple of weeks for the dress rehearsal...


Theatre Photography : Anna of the Five Town - New Vic Theatre


Actors & Actresses Headshots - Manchester & West Midlands